Buen Caffeino!!
Day 9 Logrono to Najera Miles today: 18.4 Total miles: 126.1 Elevation gain: 1169’ Descent: 841’ “Never underestimate the importance of being properly caffeinated.” “Decaffeinated coffee is like a hairless cat, it exists, but that doesn’t make it right.” As you walk along the Camino each day, you say “Buen Camino” to everyone you see. “Buen Camino” literally means good road in Spanish, but it can also mean ‘good path’ our ‘good way’, path or way being both physical and spiritual. It is the greeting shared by pilgrims, hikers, and bicyclers on the Camino and also with local people who wish you well. You hear and say this dozens of times every day. But another appropriate greeting should perhaps be “Buen Caffeino” as coffee seems to be the universal drink of the Camino. We have a couple of cups at breakfast and then stop at least twice more during the day for yet another cup at each locale. The drink of choice ...