
Showing posts from April 18, 2019

The Blues Brothers

Day 16  Carrion to Sahagun Miles (Biking). 24.1 Elevation gain:  503’ Descent:  477’ Total bikes miles:  79.1 Total walking miles:  187.7 Total miles:  266.8 Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. Explore. Dream. Discover – Mark Twain This was a challenging day. Breakfast was not available until an hour later than usual. We began biking a bit after 9 am under cloudy skies and very cool temperatures. The first part of the day was on a seldom used paved country road. We were making good time, passing a lot of pilgrims, and reuniting with a few from past days. The scenery was non-spectacular, mostly flat with endless acres of young wheat.  Late morning we stopped at a very small town with a nice cafe and enjoyed our coffees. As we did, the dark clouds rolled in. We pushed on trying to out ride the storms. We stopped briefly at a town square bench for a ro...