The Blues Brothers

Day 16  Carrion to Sahagun

Miles (Biking). 24.1
Elevation gain:  503’
Descent:  477’
Total bikes miles:  79.1
Total walking miles:  187.7
Total miles:  266.8

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. Explore. Dream. Discover – Mark Twain

This was a challenging day. Breakfast was not available until an hour later than usual. We began biking a bit after 9 am under cloudy skies and very cool temperatures. The first part of the day was on a seldom used paved country road. We were making good time, passing a lot of pilgrims, and reuniting with a few from past days. The scenery was non-spectacular, mostly flat with endless acres of young wheat. 

Late morning we stopped at a very small town with a nice cafe and enjoyed our coffees. As we did, the dark clouds rolled in. We pushed on trying to out ride the storms. We stopped briefly at a town square bench for a road lunch of cheese, beef jerky, apples, and cookies and the rain sprinkles began.

We put on rain pants and jackets and headed back out onto a more major road which paralleled the Camino. The Camino path was bumpy, muddy, and narrow so we rode the pavement shoulder for mile after mile as the rain increased. We were soaked. Thankfully the traffic on this wide two lane highway was light.

Finally we reached the destination for the day at Sahagun (pop 2820), wet and tired. I took no photos during the entire day of biking. Cold, we took hot showers and a nap and hung wet clothes to dry.

Here is a photo of the “Blues Brothers” from a warmer biking day. Color coordination is important on the Camino!

Later we found an great Irish Tavern with Spanish microbrews, where I enjoyed the best beer of the trip so far. Thirst quenched, but starving, we prowled the local streets and alleys in the rain hoping for an open restaurant that would serve us dinner. We checked over a dozen but could not find any that opened until 8 pm. Hungry and disappointed we returned to our accommodation where we were immediately seated and had a very good meal from the usual pilgrim menu that includes a choice of 6 first courses, 4-6 second courses,and about 6 dessert choices along with a bottle of wine. All for 12 euros. 

Here’s a few photos from our walk in Sahagun in the light rain.


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